Prices and reports
All about our fund prices, performance tables, rates, guides and managers' reports.
Our Funds - Prices and Performance information
Fund centre
The latest fund managers’ reports for selected funds are available to view and download.
Daily unit trust prices
Detailed up-to-date information on our unit trust prices
Fund charges and fees
Fund charges and fees
All funds are subject to charges and expenses. They are the costs of running the funds.
Fund charges and fees explained
Find out how charges and fees might impact on your investments.
Note: All funds are subject to charges and expenses to cover the cost of running the funds.
Important customer notice
For customers who opened accounts before 2022
You may recall our previous communications to you over the last two years informing you that holding your investment(s) with us is not a long term option, and that some services are now limited. In summary:
- For holders of Investment Accounts and Stocks & Shares ISAs - these investments will close on 4 March 2024. Check our terms and conditions for details and if you’ve not heard from us about the closure of these investments, you can find out more. If you hold a Junior ISA, or have any questions, please get in touch
- For holders of matured investments and Cash ISA (Barclays) – these investments closed in 2023. you can find out more. If you have any questions, please get in touch
- The transfer to Fidelity of the administration of investments held by most of our personal investing customers was completed in December 2021. Find out more.
You can also contact us on:
0370 998 0010 from the UK
+44 (0) 2920 276 998 from overseas*.
*Open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (UK time).
For international calls, call charges will vary.
We will record and monitor calls.
Risk warning
Please remember the value of your investment and any income from it may fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed. You may get back less than you invest. Tax rules may change in the future and their tax advantages depend on your individual circumstances.