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Before accessing your pension pot

Take a few minutes to check out the basics before you get started

Things to consider before accessing your pension pot

Do you want the security of a guaranteed income for life? Or is flexibility more important to you? Make sure you carefully consider your options and know what you want from your retirement.

  • Do you have more than one pension pot and have you got an idea of how much you have saved?

     You could consolidate your pensions

  • Having multiple pensions can make it hard to find the time to manage them. If you're still saving for retirement, consolidating your pensions into one place could make it easier for you to see what you have and make decisions based on your combined pension savings.
  • Learn how to consolidate into a Legal & General Personal Pension
    Are your pension savings enough to meet your retirement needs now and in the future? You can take a look at our retirement checklist to help you decide when the best time to retire for you may be.
  • Does your current pension provider offer you a Guaranteed Annuity Rate, a Guaranteed Minimum Pension, or any other valuable benefits? If they do, then it would be a good idea to look at these first to see what you would get.
  • Do you know how much state pension you may receive?

  • Have you thought about when you’d like to retire and what you’d like to spend more time doing?
  • Have you thought about what might happen as you get older and the help and support you might need?

Find out more about funding the cost of care

It’s worth thinking about what level of certainty you’ll need around your regular income and what risk, if any, you're prepared to take with your money.

Find out more about your retirement income options

Your retirement income will be taxable.  It may be sensible to consider taking an income evenly across your retirement. Lump sums may be liable to income tax at a higher rate.

Find out more about tax in retirement

Inheritance tax

Guidance from Pension Wise a service provided by MoneyHelper

Find an adviser


Legal & General Retirement Advice Service

Our advisers are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to give advice on an independent basis. 

Legal & General Retirement Advice Service

Next steps

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Need help?

Making decisions about how to finance your retirement is important so it’s worth shopping around and making use of the guidance and advice services available:

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Retirement guidance

Pension Wise from MoneyHelper

The government’s free and impartial service, offering guidance to make money and pension choices clearer for over 50s.

To find out more or book an appointment online click below or call.

0800 011 3797

Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
Calls may be recorded and monitored.

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Speak with us

Our colleagues in Cardiff are always happy to answer your questions or tell you about our retirement income products.

0800 048 2446

Monday to Friday
9am to 5pm
We may record and monitor calls.

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Retirement advice

Retirement Advice Service from Legal & General
Our advisers are experts in retirement regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, so you can trust them to provide impartial advice and a personal recommendation that’s right for you.

0800 048 2446

Our team is available between 9.00am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. Calls may be monitored and recorded.