How much money will you have?

You’re ready to think about taking your money. Now is the time to do a reality check to make sure it will fund the lifestyle you’ve planned for.
Your retirement savings are likely to come from a mixture of the below:
- Savings in this [pension pot]
- Saving in other [pension pot]s
- The State Pension
- Other savings planned for retirement e.g. shares, ISA's, property
The State Pension
Most people will be entitled to a State Pension. It’s definitely an important part of planning and budgeting for your retirement. You can find out more about how it works.
How much you’ve saved
Our Retirement planner can help show you what all of this means for you and will let you experiment with your options. It will also give you an idea of what kind of income you can expect and how long it could last.
Hopefully everything is on track, but if not you might want to consider phasing your retirement or if your chosen retirement age is still right for you.