The government’s site for information on pensions – including the State Pension, Pension Credit, taxation, pension allowances and a lot more.

MoneyHelper is a free, government organisation that offers guidance to make money and pension choices clearer.
Money and Pensions Service
Bedford Borough Hall
138 Cauldwell Street
MK42 9AB
Tel: 0800 138 7777 (English)
Tel: 0800 138 0555 (Welsh)

The Pensions Ombudsman
An independent organisation set up by law to investigate and resolve complaints and disputes arising from pension schemes.
The Pensions Ombudsman can be contacted at:
The Office of the Pensions Ombudsman
10 South Colonnade
Canary Wharf E144PU
Tel: 0207 630 2200
The Pensions Regulator
The Pensions Regulator regulates workplace pension schemes and can step in where it feels that a scheme is not being run properly or where it has evidence that members’ benefits are endangered. The plan’s administrators and professional advisers have a duty to report to The Pensions Regulator if they believe there have been any irregularities in the way you plan is being run.
The Pensions Regulator can be contacted at:
The Pensions Regulator
Napier House
Trafalgar Place
Brighton BN1 4DW
Tel: 0345 600 0707

Pension Wise
Pension Wise is a government service from MoneyHelper that offers free, impartial guidance about your defined contribution pension options.
They can be contacted at:
Money and Pensions Service
Bedford Borough Hall
138 Cauldwell Street
MK42 9AB
Tel: 0800 138 3944

Pension Tracing Service
The government’s tracing service if you’re unable to find pensions left with previous employers.
The Pension Tracing Service can be contacted at:
The Pension Service 9
Mail Handling Site A
Wolverhampton WV98 1LU
Tel: 0800 731 0193

Independent Governance Committee (IGC)
We have an IGC in place to protect the interests of members of our workplace pension plans. It has a duty to:
- act solely in the interests of members
- operate independently from Legal & General
- assess and, where necessary, challenge Legal & General on whether our plans provide value for money.
Find out more about how it works and get in touch: